Solace in the Garden
Amid the distressing events of the past weeks and days–ongoing pandemic, massive unemployment, police violence, civic unrest, and horrible presidential leadership, I’ve found it challenging to concentrate and write. My subjects have grown smaller in scope and range, largely focusing on the happenings of nature in my wife’s and my backyard.
Happy Memorial Day
Happy Memorial Day! Although hosting a cookout with friends or holding a picnic with extended family might be impossible this year, try to make the most of the holiday.
Plants & Animals
One recent morning, I wandered through my small backyard in Jersey City, New Jersey, reflecting upon the sudden changes and transformations wrought by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The wheels of modern life have ground to a halt. All the while, the natural world continues with its cycles of birth and death, regeneration and decay. Blinded…
One Morning’s Impressions
During the past several weeks, I’ve commented upon the vibrancy and reassertion of nature in my urban neighborhood amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Most of my thoughts are drawn from my observations in my own backyard. Being largely home-bound like most of the country, my world has dramatically shrunk. That is not necessarily an unwelcome…
Springtime in the City
Every season brings particular pleasures and rituals. During the early days of spring, I always enjoy strolling through my neighborhood and observing buildings and streets waking from winter. Gardeners clean up their flower beds. Homeowners tidy their front stoops. Friends chat on park benches. You can feel the energy and expectancy in the air.
Nature Creeps In
Recently, I looked up from writing at my desk and spotted a cardinal pecking at the dirt in my yard–a bold movement of color on the dark mulch and earth. The site captivated me.
Happy Easter!
Wishing a happy and healthy Easter to you and your families. Although the COVID-19 pandemic might curtail your normal holiday traditions, I hope that you’re observing them in different and creative ways.
Sapientia: Another Blog
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, my office has been working remotely and we postponed a promising calendar of events. Prompted by social distancing and self-isolation, we’re developing novel content to virtually reach audiences. We’re still learning what works and what we realistically might accomplish. One experiment is our new blog, Sapientia.
Charles Burchfield: Nature & the City
A Christmas or two ago, my wife gave me a copy of Blistering Visions: Charles E. Burchfield’s Sublime American Landscape, a catalog accompanying a 2016 exhibition commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the Burchfield Penny Art Center in Buffalo, New York.
A Booklover’s Paradise
My friend and I enjoyed a recent Friday evening at the Morgan Library & Museum. We approached our visit with a seriousness and devotion associated with a religious pilgrimage.
The Metropole: New Writing
The Metropole, the official blog of the Urban History Association, recently published a post by me. The blog features scholars and writers approaching urban history from a variety of disciplines and viewpoints. My piece details how I first learned about the former 111 1st Street arts community in Jersey City, New Jersey and how I…
Jersey City Funding the Arts? Maybe
Recently, the Jersey City council approved a ballot referendum for creating an arts trust fund in Jersey City. The proposal would dedicate permanent revenue for local arts and culture organizations. A small additional property tax would collect an estimated $800,000 to $1,000,000 per year–all for the arts.
Happy Presidents’ Day
Happy Presidents’ Day! Take a moment to read a biography or watch a documentary on your favorite president this holiday. You don’t need to restrict your intellectual curiosity to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. American presidential history is full of complicated, contradictory, compelling, and even admirable figures. Discover one.
Star Wars on Your Radio Dial
Last October, I moderated “Jedi & Jesuits,” a whip-smart panel discussing the philosophical, religious, and spiritual underpinnings of the Stars Wars universe. A fun night!
2020 Predictions: We Need Some Milk
Last year, I appeared on We Need Some Milk, a sometimes irreverent podcast exploring local politics with a focus on New Jersey and Massachusetts. The hosts invited me back to participate in the program’s first episode in 2020.
My Fordham Conversation Continues
Discussing the contours of Jersey City history and politics isn’t easy. In fact, Robin Shannon’s and my extended sit-down for Fordham Conversations, a weekly program on WFUV (90.7 FM), resulted in two full episodes. You can hear Part 2 here.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year’s Day! Hope that you’re sharing the day among loved ones or enjoying your own New Year’s tradition.
My Fordham Conversation: Part 1
Recently, Robin Shannon invited me to join her on Fordham Conversations, a weekly program on WFUV (90.7 FM). We chatted about Jersey City, artists, regional history, gentrification, and my book, Left Bank of the Hudson.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! This year, I have found the Christmas season especially magical. Maybe it’s because I shared a few days with an old friend. Maybe it’s because I’ve been listening to Christmas music non-stop. Maybe it’s because my wife and I watched Savannah bedecking itself for the holiday on our recent trip. Enjoy the day…
Need More Star Wars?
This past October, I had the privilege of moderating a whip-smart panel exploring the spiritual and religious influences and underpinnings of the Star Wars universe. We had a great time talking about favorite characters and stories and the larger questions examined in the saga. (I can’t believe this is my job!) Enjoy the conversation. Don’t…
A Few Days in Savannah
Knowing our shared passion for “old things,” trusted friends long have suggested that my wife and I visit Savannah, Georgia. During this past Thanksgiving weekend, we finally followed their advice. We were not disappointed. Instead of flying, we traveled to the Hostess City of the South on the Amtrak Silver Meteor line. The train ride…
All Aboard: Newark to Savannah
Increasingly distressed by air travel, wanting to make environmentally-mindful choices, and hoping to share a new adventure, my wife and I traveled from our home in Jersey City, New Jersey to historic Savannah, Georgia round trip on the Amtrak Silver Meteor line during this past Thanksgiving weekend.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Wishing you a wonderful day and a hearty meal with family and friends. This year, forgo the mad consumption of Black Friday. Instead of heading to the mall or shopping online, watch a favorite film, read a book, or simply share another day with your loved ones. Indulge in leftovers, too. All experiences…
Crossing the Empire State
Last week, a minor emergency prompted a last-minute change to an already postponed family visit to Western New York State. Not wanting to call off my long-awaited and now necessary trip, I purchased a round-trip ticket from New York to Rochester on Amtrak’s Empire Service line.
Library, Tradition, & Home
This month marks my second year as a resident at the Wertheim Study in the New York Public Library. This fellowship provides me with a desk in a private room designated for researchers and full access to the collections of a world-class research library. Quite a privilege.
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween! After handing out candy to trick-or-treaters this evening, crack open a collection of ghost stories or watch a treasured horror film. Remember the spirit of the holiday needs not depart at the stroke of midnight. As long as you feel autumn in the air, the fun and mystery of Halloween linger. Enjoy.