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A Welcome Winter

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The return of a real winter with freezing temperatures and snow-covered sidewalks in the New York region brings a needed sense of comfort. This is a period to rest and dream: a season to disassociate from the forces roiling the outside world.

A winter night offers the perfect opportunity to discover and enjoy books and films. Next week in an online class hosted by the Brooklyn Brainery, I’ll be discussing both creative mediums as I unravel the cinematic legacy of the horror author and the subject of my most recent book, H. P. Lovecraft. If you sign up (and even if you don’t), check out the inspiring and fun roster of classes at the Brainery.

My guiding goal for these next several months is to immerse myself in a new writing project. I’m beginning the initial research and gathering phase of what I hope evolves into my next book. Since last spring, I’ve been sporadically scratching away at a ghost story–my first foray into fiction in many years–and I hope to finish that draft before the coming of spring and ideally by candlelight and while listening to the winter wind. We’ll see what happens.

Instead of dreading the winter with its long and cold nights, we should approach this season as an invitation for creativity and exploration from the comfort of our study or the coziness of our living room. If you read this, I hope that you’ll embark upon your own artistic or intellectual project and maybe even share it.

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