A Walk Through Journal Square (or Journal Squared)
While walking through the Journal Square section of Jersey City on a pleasant Sunday afternoon, I stopped and snapped a few pictures of the advertisements for the recently opened and the planned high-rise developments in the neighborhood.

An ad for Journal Squared. Fun corporate speak. Isn’t “being square” a minor insult? I’m confused.
The ad copy consists of typical corporate language, attempting to evoke inspiration and mystique around a bland and dull building.
The target audience is supposed to believe that something special–magical–might happen by living in such a place. This echoes the guiding message of materialism and consumption.

Not to be out done. 1JS.
Meanwhile, hip, stylish, multi-racial young people seem to be reveling in “Jersey City’s new pulse of innovation.” How can a pulse be innovative? You got me. I can’t believe people get paid for writing this dreck.

Just your average afternoon at 1JS.
Finally, staring intently at an unseen object apparently suggests that you’re thoughtful and creative. And savvy with real estate.
Do you live near a “pulse of innovation”? Do you feel inspired or ever-so-slightly squared? If so, please share your pictures and sly remarks.
Don’t get me started on the astronaut ads for that high rise right next to the JSQ PATH station…