Manufactures Village: Art & Work
Manufactures Village, the original home of Seabury & Johnson (later Johnson & Johnson) sits in East Orange, New Jersey. Built in the late 1880s, the complex overflows with fascinating detail and industrial character. Currently, Manufactures Village houses an array of small businesses, light industry, and art studios.
Perfume Professor and I were invited to partake in this year’s annual studio tour (October 21-22, 2017) at the complex by our friends, Liz and Brendan. (Liz, the owner of Jersey City Veggie Burgers, rents a commercial kitchen in the Village.)

The courtyard of Manufactures Village, East Orange, New Jersey. Note the chimney and the gangways in the distance.
We spotted a few visitors crossing these gangways. Alas, we never had the chance.
Thirty-odd artists opened their studios to the public. I was impressed by the diversity and quality of the art. The artists worked with every conceivable medium.

Discarded books transformed into art.
Prints, photographs, paintings, and sculptures were all on display.

A sculptor’s studio.
The work spaces fascinated me almost as much as the art.

Tools and scrap at a woodworker’s shop.
The industrial details and artifacts imbued the entire space with an aura. I felt connected to a rich past and tradition.

Such details make Manufactures Village special.
Manufactures Village is a beautiful, inspiring place. For well over a century, it has stood as a site of work and production. Today, artists, craftspeople, and food producers continue this tradition. What a wondrous setting to pursue one’s imagination and dreams.
I love this place, too. But the name is “Manufacturer’s Village”
Kathleen, thanks for the correction. The property’s website spells the name without the apostrophe. However, I’ve seen it spelled as you suggested. If you can point me to an authoritative source, I would greatly appreciate it.